Coping with Anxiety – Guest Blog by Dr. Wilfried Busse

Anxiety can easily consume the lives of those it touches. The worry, stress and apprehension that comes with this disorder undoubtedly takes a severe toll on individuals both mentally and physically. The root of anxiety may be caused by several different factors, such as stress from school or work, finances, drugs, psychological abuse, upcoming social […]

Treat people like people.

It’s been a really busy month, which is good news! We’ve officially set a date for an event happening in Palmyra, PA. We’ve been working tirelessly towards getting this event ready, so I have been slacking on the blog updates. For that, I apologize. Today I want to discuss LGBT youth. For those of you […]

Ugly: The Story of a Bullied Girl by Kate MacHugh

Our first quarter newsletter highlighted bullying and some practical tips on how to handle bullies peacefully. We also mentioned that we are highlighting author Kate MacHugh, who wrote an in-depth personal account of how bullying affected her life. Our newest director, Tiffany Young, had the pleasure of interviewing Kate to learn more about her book […]

Messy Holidays

The holidays are always a mess, aren’t they? Sometimes they are the good kind of mess, like my family is. Lots of people, lots of children, everyone’s screaming over toys and food. It’s a headache in some respects, but in most respects it is a time that I thoroughly look forward to every year.  Sometimes […]

Please Live Progress

For this blog post, I just want to spend some time discussing where Please Live is, the work we have accomplished within the past year, and our goals for the remainder of the year. 2013 was a great year for us in many aspects. We added several amazing volunteers that are highly committed, organized, and […]

There’s been a suicide in my school/community/workplace/church/etc.

Its quite the wave of emotions that hits you when you find out that there has been a suicide. It doesn’t even matter if you knew the individual or not. Of course, if you knew them, knew their face, passed them in the halls, that makes it more personal. And it goes without saying that […]

Cyber-Bullying and You/Your Kids

I made a post several months ago discussing the internet and the inherent joys & dangers of it. To reiterate, the internet can be an awful place. It can be a breeding ground for bullying, violence, drugs, terrorism, and more. But at the same time, if used correctly and wisely, it can be a place […]

My first experience with mental health stigma

As a kid, you’re not very good at expressing your emotions. Typically, when you’re still in elementary school or younger, strong emotions “come out” via physical pain. Things like headaches, stomach aches, nausea, excessive scratching, pulling out hair, etc. So when I was in 4th grade, somewhere around 8 or 9 years old, I was […]

Reaching Out

Time for a short personal story. My husband is a great man. That’s a big part of the reason why I married him. He too has a heart for youth and he volunteers consistently at our church with the junior & senior high school students. He puts in many hours of “behind the scenes” work […]

Bullying and Suicide

I’ve found myself becoming more and more sensitive to bullying in the past couple of months. It grew from just an annoyance that it happens, to a righteous fury, to being completely unable to watch movies/shows that depict bullying because I can’t stand the fact that bullying still exists. A few months ago I watched […]